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How to Standout with Invoice Design | 5 easy tips

Gain returning customers, incorporating brand design, create unlimited beautiful invoices which standout, export as pdf.

Brand Logo

Your brand logo is your business identity. Attach it in your invoice to increase your brand awareness. If you can attach your client or supplier’s logo, add that as well. This shows professionalism with invoice design. It is important not to over attach your logo everywhere in the invoice, just once at the top is usually fine. You could also attach the logo with your business details as shown.

Brand Colors

The invoice colors should also match your brand colors. The use of color in business has been studied from a number of angles. From marketing to branding, the use of color is known to provoke action. If you’re sending out digital invoices, you can easily add colors without using more resources because you will not require color inks and colored printers. Experiment with brand colors to find the best fit.

Due Date

Add a clear due date on your invoice. It not only improves your cash flow but also creates a sense of urgency for your client to pay ontime. Use red color reminders when due date is near. Red creates sense of alarm, danger and urgency. If you’re facing issues with clients not paying ontime, read our blog post 6 tips to improve your invoicing process.


Keep your invoices simple and easy to read. Divide all relevant information in sections so it’s easy for eyes to focus on required information. Use a simple font which looks great digitally and also when physically printed on paper.

Invoice settings
Smiels Invoice settings

Attach Notes

You can attach payment terms, Vat information or other messages such as a Thank You note for your client. These provide personalized experience and complete information is available within the invoice.


Below is an example invoice made with SMIELS. If you wish to create unlimited invoices that stand out then register for a free account now at www.smiels.com

invoice design
Smiels default Invoice design